dog salmon meaning

  "dog salmon" in a sentence
An anadromous species of SALMON found in the streams of the Pacific coast from Sacramento north,and also common in Japan. It is used frequently in genetic and other medical research.


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  1. It is also known as dog salmon because it is frequently fed to sled dogs.
  2. The "'Dog Salmon River "'is a tributary of the Ugashik River in the U . S . state of Alaska.
  3. That year Alexei Yaakwaan, son of a Tlingit leader, converted to the Orthodox Church and encouraged his father, Yees Gaanaalx, leader of the L'eeneid� ( Dog Salmon ) people of Auke Bay, to be baptized.
  4. The fall run of chum, or dog salmon, is just starting as the 10-to 30-pound ( five-to 14-Kilogram ) fish leave the ocean to head for their nascent streams, where they spawn and die.
  5. The river has two major King Salmon River and the Dog Salmon River both have confluences near the river mouth at Ugashik Bay, while the smaller Dago Creek joins just four miles ( 6 km ) from Smoky Point, where Ugashik Bay and Bristol Bay meet.

Related Words

        dog-salmon:     noun  Keta and humpback, Pa ...
        salmon:    Noun: salmon (salmon,salmons) &nb ...
        dog:    Noun: dog  dógA member of th ...
        to dog:    [Slang](verb, transitive)to mock or ig ...
        atlantic salmon:    Noun: Atlantic salmonFatty pink flesh ...
        australian salmon:     noun  The kahawai
        beaked salmon:    Noun: beaked salmon  beekt ' ...
        blueback salmon:    Noun: blueback salmonSmall salmon with ...
        burnett salmon:    The Australian lungfish (from the Burn ...
        chinook salmon:    Noun: chinook salmonPink or white fles ...
        chum salmon:    Noun: chum salmonA large Pacific salmo ...
        coho salmon:    Noun: coho salmonFatty pinkish flesh o ...
        golden salmon:     noun  The S American dorado
        jack salmon:    Noun: jack salmon  jak 'samu ...
        king salmon:    Noun: king salmon  king'samu ...


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